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Daedalus initial Big Ben
How do our minds and cultures create time?
At Daedalus, big questions fly high
Daedalus initial Oral tradition Bali
Do oral traditions hold the key to understanding language?
At Daedalus, big questions fly high
Daedalus initial Minions
How intricately intertwined are language, voice, and body?
At Daedalus, big questions fly high
Daedalus initial Blending
How do humans integrate disparate experiences into new wholes?
At Daedalus, big questions fly high
Daedalus initial Poetry
What makes poetry poetic?
At Daedalus, big questions fly high
Daedalus initial Mark and Francis
What tools can we develop for the big-data analysis of communication?
At Daedalus, big questions fly high
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Lab updates


Offering fully funded PhD position

The Daedalus Lab at the University of Murcia (Spain) is looking for candidates for a 4-year fully funded PhD position at the Department of English Philology on the relationship between time and…
irene chicago

Irene Bolumar becomes a Fulbright fellow

Irene Bolumar has been awarded a Fulbright fellowship (co-funded by the Fundación Séneca) to develop a project related to her PhD thesis on polysemy, perception verbs and gesture at the…


Zaragoza Lingüística

Big data and language

In this talk for the seminar series organised by Zaragoza Lingüística, Dr Valenzuela discusses the possibilities that big data-based approaches offer to language research. In summary,…

The Murcia Center for Cognition, Communication, and Creativity

Wings out of labyrinths


Red Hen Lab

Directed by Francis Steen (University of California Los Angeles) and Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University), the International Distributed Little Red Hen Lab™ is a global big-data science laboratory and cooperative for research into multimodal communication. Red Hen researchers develop the NewsScape Library of Television News, one of the largest audiovisual repositories equiped with cutting-edge computational tools for the analysis of multimodal data. All Daedalus researchers are Red Hens, with experience ranging from over ten years to recent iniciation.


Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas

Director, Daedalus Lab


English Philology, University of Murcia

Javier Valenzuela

Director, Daedalus Lab


English Philology, University of Murcia

Daniel Alcaraz Carrión

Beatriz Galindo Postdoctoral Researcher

English Philology, University of Murcia

Irene Bolumar Martínez

Fulbright-Séneca Foundation Doctoral Researcher

English Philology, University of Murcia

Goldin-Meadow Lab, University of Chicago 

Brian Herreño Jiménez

Data Scientist

Doctoral Researcher, University of Murcia

Rosa Illán Castillo

Postdoctoral Researcher, 

Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage

Université Lumière Lyon – CNRS


Raúl Sánchez Sánchez

Computer Engineering,
University of Murcia.

Pinelopi Ioannidou Visiting scholar PhD Candidate, Discourse Studies, Linguistics Dep. University of Cologne

Águeda Salmerón Hortelano

FPI Doctoral Researcher (EMOTIME Project)

English Philology, University of Murcia 

Maybe you?

We support excellent candidates locally (UMU and nearby universities, companies, and other organizations), nationally, and internationally, for studentships, internships, scholarships, Google Summer of Code, and the best doctoral or postdoctoral schemes.

Interested? Email one of the directors with a CV and a short cover letter.



Alcaraz Carrión, D. & Valenzuela, J. Coming and going in time: a multimodal study. Language and Communication

Ibarretxe, I & Valenzuela, J. Lenguaje y Cognición. Editorial Síntesis

Valenzuela, J. From X to Y: anatomy of a constructional pattern. Atlantis

Valenzuela, J. El Big Data en los estudios del lenguaje. Zaragoza Lingüistica

Valenzuela, J & Ibarretxe, I. Conceptual metaphor in Cognitive Semantics. Chapter 39 in Thomas Fuyin Li (ed.). Handbook of Cognitive Semantics. Leiden & Boston: Brill.


Alcaraz Carrión, D. (2022) Physical and imaginary landmarks in English time gestures. In Piatta, A., Gordejuela, A. & Alcaraz Carrión, D. (Eds). Time Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity.

Alcaraz Carrión, D., Alibali, M. W., & Valenzuela, J. (2022). Adding and subtracting by hand: Metaphorical representations of arithmetic in spontaneous co-speech gesturesActa Psychologica, 228, 103624.

Alcaraz Carrión, D., & Valenzuela, J. (2022). Time as space vs. time as quantity in Spanish: A co-speech gesture study. Language and Cognition, 14 (1), 1-18. doi:10.1017/langcog.2021.17

Illán Castillo, R. & Pagán Cánovas, C. (2022). Time moves more often in poetry: a comparative corpus study. D. Alcaraz Carrión, A. Gordejuela & A. Piata (eds.), Time representations in the perspective of human creativity. John Benjamins: Human Cognitive Processing Series. 41-60.

Khasbage, Y., Alcaraz Carrión, D., Hinnell, J., Robertson, F., Singla, K., Uhrig, P. & Turner, M. (2022). The Red Hen Anonymizer and the Red Hen Protocol for de-identifying audiovisual recordings. Linguistics Vanguard.

Pagán Cánovas, C. (2022). Authors: Cognitive patterns and individual creativity. In P. C. Hogan, L. P. Hogan & B. Irish (eds.) Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotion. London: Routledge. 261-271.

Piatta, A., Gordejuela, A. and Alcaraz Carrión, D. (2022). Introduction. In Piatta, A., Gordejuela, A. & Alcaraz Carrión, D. (Eds). On the Edge of Time: Temporal Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity.

Valenzuela, J. & Illán Castillo, R. (2022). A Corpus-Based Look at Time Metaphors. D. Alcaraz Carrión, A. Gordejuela & A. Piata (eds.), Time Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity. Ámsterdam: John Benjamins (Human Cognitive Processing Series).



Alcaraz Carrion, D., & Valenzuela, J. 2021. Duration as Length Vs Amount in English and Spanish: A Corpus Study. Metaphor and Symbol 36(2): 74–84.

Alcaraz Carrión, D. & Valenzuela, J. 2021. Distant time, distant gesture: Speech and gesture correlate to express temporal distanceSemiotica 2021(241): 159–183.

Besada, J. L., Barthel-Calvet A-S., Pagán Cánovas, C. 2021. Gearing time towards musical creativity: Conceptual integration and material anchoring in Xenakis’ Psappha. Frontiers in Psychology 11:611316.

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Zoom meeting Daedalus Anna Peter
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Paella Daedalus 2022-11-03 at 15.41.22
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Art by Sergio González (Gurulab)